Thursday 13 August 2020

The Best Profitable Start Up Business In Bangalore Ideas You Should Follow


Is your head brimming with business ideas? If you have nurtured the dream of becoming an entrepreneur for a long time, then now is the time to take the plunge. Take a breather and start thinking of the skills that one needs to acquire for running business operations. Startup businesses are birthed out of bright ideas. However, you should keep in mind that even those innovative ideas will not produce a desirable outcome if they are not properly executed. Fuzzy thinking is undesirable. It would be best if you have a sound business model before you.


Discovering your passion


For anyone interested in starting a small business, there are a host of decisions that need to be taken into account. The first is whether to dive or not. Then the next crucial point of consideration is the ways to proceed from the perspective of finance. Profitable start up business in Bangalore caters to the homely requirements of customers through the website of You may want to start experimenting with ideas and, in the journey, recognize your passion.  


Identification of your target market


Before you decide to advance and think of transforming your idea into reality, you should ask yourself a couple of questions. Take time to ponder over the questions. Once you have the answers in front of you, they will navigate you in the right direction. Now is the time to check if your idea is feasible or not. You should research intensively to determine the target audience. You will want to make sure that there is a requirement for your products or services. If you find that only a handful of people have expressed their interest in your product offering or individuals barely have an interest, then treat this as a red alert. Unleash your potential as an entrepreneur with Profitable start up business in Bangalore


Develop awareness 


While entering a certain market, you will have to detect your competitors. It would help if you made an assessment in the market regarding the number of individuals already engaged in your work line and how they have scaled so far. After assessing, you should now think of innovative ways about the ways you can incorporate more value. Do not get scared by the idea of facing competition because that is an indicator that your idea has some viability. You have the assurance that demand exists for the kind of product you have in mind. 

Establish a connection with potential customers


You can get your hands on solid data only when you have been in the industry for a while. However, you should have the image of the ideal customers in mind. You should be able to visualize which segment you intend to serve and have a clear understanding of their demographics, long term goals, and interests. A clear image will help you in establishing effective communication and serve them efficiently.


Decide intelligently


The key to success is researching extensively on the net to find out successful business models and then apply the right one.  


Monday 20 July 2020

Start And Become Successful In Chapati Making Business from Home In Bangalore

The staple diet of many people in the Indian subcontinent is the unleavened flatbread called chapati. It is prepared from wheat and is one of the popular foods in most households of this country. It is loaded with nutrients, and you will be able to derive countless health benefits. 

Profitable business

Rising prices have affected the quality of life of modern human beings. Quite a few people have focused on starting their entrepreneurial journey for an opportunity to earn unlimited income. Scores of people are thinking of starting their own business to supplement their income. Chapati business in Bangalore can be lucrative and can be set up at ease.

Low budget: Eating this Indian bread can satisfy hunger and provide sustained energy for a prolonged period. Nowadays, most people have become health conscious and are laying a lot of emphasis on effective weight loss techniques. This bread is an excellent choice for people choosing to lose weight. Place an order for a delicious meal from Chapati business in Bangalore through the website of Freshphulka.comThese businesses can be started with low overheads and do not require expensive tools or fancy space.

At your doorstep: All over the country, online food delivery has gained a lot of attention. The primary reasons contributing to their popularity are massive revenue opportunities and wide reach. Life in modern times has become a lot more hectic and fast-paced. People are putting in their best efforts to strike a balance between their professional and personal lives. During this frenzy, tending to domestic chores often becomes burdensome. This is where roti delivered right at your doorstep prove to be immensely beneficial.

Simple system: One of the main reasons that people have a preference for food delivery service is the simplicity aspect. You can place an order as per your preference and have it delivered at your place of choice. If you are planning to throw a party or corporate lunch, these entrepreneurs will also come to your aid. No longer will you have to inspect your grocery stock and then head towards the neighborhood store for shopping. Even if you make plans to purchase online, you will also have to remember the names of ingredients. 

Broad array: You will come across a wide range of options. The images are visually appealing, and they will induce you to order. Run a check on the online menu to know about the classic and fusion collection of bread. On the side, you may want to have salsa, chutneys, curd, and yogurt based condiment. You can exercise control on your diet even if you order through the delivery services because you will be able to keep track of exact calories.

Think on sensible terms

It would be best if you made an intensive study on the net for getting hold of leading names involved in the preparation of tasty roti. Seek suggestions from your acquaintances. Do not forget to glance through the testimonials of customers before arriving at a well-informed decision.

Monday 29 June 2020

How FreshPhulka Is Doing A Noble Job By Helping The Needy During COVID-19

India is one of the most popular and unique countries in the world. People from all over the globe visit India to explore its wonders and mingle with its natives. However, it’s one of those places where the poor always remain an afterthought. This fact is strange because millions of people living here don’t even have a penny in their pockets. It has always been so.

Things weren’t any different on the day when the PM of India declared the nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread of corona virus. The decision was necessary. However, it didn’t include any form of support for the marginalized sections of society. These include daily wage laborers, the beggars, slum-dwellers, the homeless, the elderly who live alone, and several low-income groups.

Who came to the rescue: The privileged section of the society hoarded their requirements and went on to lead a life of fun and enjoyment while remaining locked indoors? What about those who can’t even spare a penny for food? State governments announced relief funds and special packages, but these weren’t enough. It’s precisely where the company called FreshPhulka came in.

About the company: FreshPhulka is just another startup, but it managed to create a difference. It’s a Bangalore-based company that empowers women by providing them with jobs. They make fresh rotis, chapattis, and tasty parathas and deliver the same right at the doorstep of their clients. So, what did they do to create a difference in the pandemic-stricken subcontinent?

What they did: FreshPhulka started its journey as a small startup firm, but it managed to show impressive growth. The founder, Manasmita, played her part impressively. She earned the title of the “Phulka Lady” and came to the rescue of the underprivileged. Her company donated rotis to hundreds and thousands of individuals who lost their jobs. She and her employees saved the lives of the poor and even the elderly who reside alone.

They need donations too: The organization mentioned here isn’t an NGO. It’s just a startup business that managed to earn popularity, but the outbreak stopped the wheel of business all over the world. Manasmita and her employees want to save humanity, and they need support. If you wish to help India stand up on its feet again, then you can play your part. You can donate money to them so that they can continue their work.

Nobility needs support too

Indeed, in a pandemic-struck world, nobility does reside in the hearts of some people. However, in a country like India, support is mandatory. So, if you want to help save lives, then you can do your part by donating money to them. India is a nation where only the rich can survive and thrive, but they forget that the poor people are the ones who keep them sustained.

India depends on these poor people for survival. If you’re wise, and considerate enough to realize this fact, then step forward and show that you’re still a human. You don’t have to donate a fortune. A modest donation is more than enough. If you can also convince your friends, peers, relatives, and family members, then you can be part of this noble act.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Here Is the Chance to Build Up Your Home Business with Low Investment

1. We are planning to expand our business across the Bengaluru city and looking for viable partners who can also grow with us. 

2. A Great Opportunity is knocking at your doorstep! 

3. Fresh Phulka invites you for a Business Partnership!

4. Yes! It’s True. Join with "Fresh Phulka" and become an Entrepreneur with nominal investment! 

At Fresh Phulka, we are providing more than 12,000 orders per day.

Join us today:

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Bengaluru Seems to Love 'Roti Lady' Manasmita Patra's Phulkas and it All Started on WhatsApp

Born in Jagatsinghpur, Odisha but currently based out of Bengaluru, Manasmita Patra is as grateful to Bengaluru for giving her wings as she is to Jagatsinghpur for giving her roots. It's these wings that have flown her all the way up to cloud 9, as she celebrates nine months of her start-up Fresh Phulka. This start-up, which she co-founded with Manas Rajan, supplies freshly made phulkas, just as the name implies, and undertakes as many as 12,000 orders per day. "When I spoke to women I know, I learnt that kneading the dough for phulkas is very time-consuming and something that a lot of women dread. So here we are, providing them with the whole product, instantly," says Patra. She also adds that despite the fact that South India is a hub for rice, problems like diabetes and the threat of lifestyle diseases has increased the demand for phulkas in the region.

roti business from home in bangalore

When Patra broadcasted the first message on a WhatsApp group regarding Fresh Phulka, she did not receive a response for three days which crushed her. But on the third day, an order came in from the neighbouring building.

Though Patra was unwell when we reached out to her for a chat, she gladly obliged and doesn't forget to state the main purpose of the start-up, something that even Subroto Bagchi, the Chairman of Odisha Skill Development Authority, did not fail to mention in his tweet about her, "Aside from starting something of my own, my other aim was to help employ and provide a livelihood for underprivileged women," says the 36-year-old. What started in her own kitchen with her maid and herself is now based out of a 960 square feet facility on Halur Main Road in Bengaluru and employs 17 women.

Fresh Phulka also offers a wide variety of phulkas with Phulka Roti Vendors in Bangalore, everything from ghee phulkas to carrot chapathis. "Of course I had my own challenges when I started, but today, people know me as the 'Roti Lady'," she smiles and informs us of how, when she was starting out, she leveraged the power of WhatsApp groups to get the word going about her start-up. Proud of herself, Patra delivered the first order herself and in the first month of Fresh Phulka, supplied 300 phulkas.

As a part of her research for Fresh Phulka, which is currently on Zomato and will be on Swiggy soon, Patra not only tried phulkas from several restaurants in the city, something that she does till date, but also compared the prices they are being supplied at. While her base price is Rs 8, the 37-year-old informs us that restaurants usually price phulkas anywhere between Rs 12-18. Not only this, she also got together with two interns from Mysuru University to formulate a special multi-millet atta made from as many as 18 kinds of millets. She tells us that they source their own wheat from vendors in Punjab and Jaipur and even mill the grains themselves. And when they receive orders for big events, they make sure to inquire about the menu so that they can recommend the appropriate kind of phulka. It is probably this attention to detail that is making Patra's start-up unstoppable and makes us wish we were in Bengaluru just to try one of her soft phulkas.


Saturday 29 February 2020

What Are The Right Drop-Shipper Approaches To Follow With Freshphulka?

For dropshipping, it’s always essential to find products and companies that legally authorise you to dropship their products. This supplies roti/chapatti (Indian bread) is an ideal company to partner with for dropshipping. This is one of the primary concerns of the dropshippers, and therefore, they are in search of a business person to partner with. This is where you can understand the benefits of dropshipping. One such innovative endeavour is offered by FreshPhulka. The business owner is offering an invitation business partnership to help women earn a better livelihood from the comfort of their home.

startup business ideas in bangalore

So, if you are in search of small scale business ideas in Bangalore, you can look up for drop shipping option with FreshPhulka. This is a women-centric business initiative and through dropshipping, it is trying to offer better business opportunities to women from their home. 

Reasons to choose FreshPhulka for dropshipping

As a great option of small business ideas in Bangalore with FreshPhulka, going into partnership business venture is a good choice. There are some reasons for it and some of them are given in the following part.

Offers plenty of options

When joining hands with FreshPhulka, you are offering a number of options to your customers. Be it a small house party or birthday celebrations, customers can approach you for the fresh Rotis. 

phulka roti franchise bangalore

Offers quality item

When partnering with FreshPhulka, you can surely offer quality food items to the customers. The food items are run through a suitable quality check before the orders are delivered.

Gives better business opportunities

As the business venture has been started by a woman, it is inviting scope of a business partnership for all who are interested in starting partnership business. This way, it is able to create employment opportunities for all who wish to start a venture from their home.

The right approach to start dropshipping

Four approaches can help you in dropshipping business partnership plans.
  • Effective market research
With drop shipping, you can easily handle the risk when trying new products in the market and it can be used for effective marketing research. Instead of raising your inventory costs, it is better to opt for a trial option during the dropshipping that will help you curb the inventory cost.
  • Getting protection from overselling

By opting for dropshipping with the above-said business enterprise, you can manage the rising inventory cost by means of overstocking to meet the maximums. If you have contact with a dropshipping supplier like Freshphulka, it helps you save money without the chance of losing the important sales. This is perfect at the time of seasonal overflow.

how to start a business in bangalore

  • Maintaining strategic shipping plans

It is possible to opt for suitable shipping plans that can get more complicated as you start to expand your business. The more products get out of the warehouse, the higher the shipping charge it incurs. In case your business warehouse is outside a suitable location in your region, the dropshipping can be considered as the perfect solution.
  • Having high-maintained products 
food franchises in bangalore
Some products require more cost to stock and ship them compared to others. Therefore, it is better to dropship the high-maintained products instead of storing them in your store. 

Friday 28 February 2020

What Are The Right Drop-Shipper Approaches To Follow With Freshphulka?

The wholesaler’s buyers are in search of convenience and efficiency of ordering and supplying business items. This is one of the primary concerns of the wholesale business person, and therefore, they are in search of a business person to partner with. This is where you can understand the benefits of dropshipping. One such innovative endeavour is offered by FreshPhulka. The business owner of FreshPhulka is offering an invitation business partnership to help women earn a better livelihood from the comfort of their home. 

profitable start up business in bangalore

So, if you are in search of small scale business ideas in Bangalore, you can look up for drop shipping option with FreshPhulka. This is a women-centric business initiative and through dropshipping, it is trying to offer better business opportunities to women from their home.

Reasons to choose FreshPhulka for dropshipping

As a great option of small business ideas in Bangalore, going into partnership business venture with FreshPhulka is a good choice. There are some reasons for it and some of them are given in the following part.

chapati business in bangalore
Offers plenty of food options

When joining hands with FreshPhulka, you are offering a number of options to your customers. Be it a small house party or birthday celebrations, customers can approach you for the fresh Rotis.

Offers quality item

When partnering with FreshPhulka, you can surely offer quality food items to the customers. The food items are run through a suitable quality check before the orders are delivered.

Gives better business opportunities

As the business venture has been started by a woman, it is inviting the scope of a business partnership for women who are interested in starting a partnership business. This way, it is able to create employment opportunities for women who wish to start a venture from their home.

The right approach to start dropshipping

Four approaches can help you in dropshipping business partnership plans.

                                 food franchises in bangalore
· Effective market research

With drop shipping, you can easily handle the risk when trying new products in the market and it can be used for effective marketing research. Instead of raising your inventory costs, it is better to opt for a trial option during the dropshipping that will help you curb the inventory cost. This is also possible if you try.

· Getting protection from overselling

By opting for dropshipping with the above-said business enterprise, you can manage the rising inventory cost by means of overstocking to meet the maximums. If you have contact with a dropshipping supplier, it helps you save money without the chance of losing the important sales. This is perfect at the time of seasonal overflow.   

· · Maintaining strategic shipping plans

It is possible to opt for suitable shipping plans that can get more complicated as you start to expand your business. The more products get out of the warehouse, the higher the shipping charge it incurs. In case your business warehouse is outside a suitable location in your region, the dropshipping can be considered as the perfect solution. 

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· Having high-maintained products

Some products require more cost to stock and ship them compared to others. Therefore, it is better to dropship the high-maintained products instead of storing them in your store.